
Due Diligence Assurance

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    Due Diligence Assurance in UAE by Vigor Accounting & Taxation

    When carrying out business transactions, for example, mergers, acquisitions, or joint ventures, due diligence is the predominant task, which in its turn is since risks are being sufficiently spread and decisions are made on the ground of true data which makes them prudent.

    In the UAE, the credibility of financial and operational reports is a major factor, which is achieved by closely monitoring the quality and the completeness of them. At Vigor Accounting & Taxation, we carry out the entire range of due diligence assurance services. Our assurance services allow our clients to be secure and assured of the transactions they are going to continue having obtained the data from a reliable and verified set of financial statements.

    What is Due Diligence Assurance?

    Due diligence assurance is an organized inspection and assessment of a company’s financial, legal, operational, and commercial information. It is a key element of any large business deal, like for instance, mergers, acquisitions, investments, or partnership agreements. Moreover, due diligence is used for the purpose of examining business risks, identifying wrong financial performance, checking the compliance is within the framework of the law, and finally, to establish the correspondence between the purpose of the transaction and the buyer's or investor’s goals.

    Detailed due diligence assurance is required in the UAE because of specific legal requirements, complex markets with diversities, and many international operational fields. By doing complete due diligence, companies get to the bottom of the concerns and make necessary adjustments to pursue actions in a safe manner.

    The Importance of Compliance Due

    Diligence in Companies Located in the UAE

    01 Identifying Risks and Risk Mitigation To comply with due diligence is to reveal possible risks among the partners to the transaction such as a concealed liability, obligation of contract or a violation of compliance. In the proper event of scrutiny, businesses can come to know of these risks that may not come into sight immediately, to be more prepared to deal with them by making informed decisions or by negotiating the changing of the terms of the agreement to relieve these risks.
    02 Compliance with Government Regulation the UAE has certain laws and regulations that must be followed by businesses in areas such as taxes, labour law, specific sectoral rules, and other such matters. Among the indispensable measures is being compliant with the set regulations to avoid any legal implication. We expect our risks due diligence services to be inclusive of a profound review of the target company’s compliance status in the UAE, which will help businesses to stay on the right side of the law.
    03 Proper Valuation and Financial Transparency One of the principal purposes of due diligence is to ensure the credibility of the financial statements and valuation of the target company. This includes the evaluation of the income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. Our team at Vigor Accounting & Taxation is certifying that the financial statements are correct, thus enabling buyers or investors to bargain on fair terms and avoid paying more money than what the transaction is worth.
    04 Strategic Choices Due diligence gives the specific data necessary for strategic decisions regarding the subsequent prospects of the company after the completion of the deal. Purchases of other companies, new launches, or any alterations to business plans, for instance, would be successful if the work is done in the right way and if the transaction’s strengths and weaknesses are well understood.

    Our Due diligence is an important aspect in business transactions and mergers, the following is an act of due diligence assurance.

    Vigor Accounting & Taxation, offers a systematized and exhaustive check list geared toward meeting the requirements that are specific to your transaction. Our approach includes:

    Financial Due Diligence icon

    Financial Due Diligence

    First, we review and analyze the target company’s financial statements with much detail. such as assets, liabilities, revenues and cash flows, among others. This analysis assures that everything reflected in the financial statements is correct and there are no hidden financial risks.
    Compliance icon

    Legal and Compliance Review

    Our team analyses the legal requirement of the target firm to see that this it does in accordance with the local laws and regulations. We examine contracts, licenses and any current legal actions concerning it that might affect transaction.
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    Operational Due Diligence

    Apart from, the financial data, we evaluate the operational efficiency of the target company. This includes analysing its processes, people and supplier and other operating resources. chain, and the overall business ideal to enter a common operational buyer’s strategic objectives.
    Risk and Opportunity Analysis

    Risk and Opportunity Analysis

    Here it is important for us to do a comprehensive assessment on the risks as well as on the opportunities. related to the transaction hence enabling businesses make informed decisions. decisions and think about the risks, which could be useful in case some of them arise one day.

    Transform Your Vision into Reality—Book Your Free Consultation!

    Don’t wait—schedule your free consultation today and take the first step towards transforming your vision into reality!

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